Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Latigo one piece spur straps.  With brass spot design in center. 
#11  $40.00
Cinch Chafs  Latigo (as shown) or light color
#10  $17.00

Monday, June 20, 2011

1" wide latigo headstall with brass spots and hardware.  5" ring snaffle bit.  Latigo slobber straps.  20 feet long black mecate rope reins.
#9  $115.00

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Over and Under Whip Ropes Paracord braided
(Pink-Black-White)  (Pink-Black)  (White-Black) ( Lime Green-Blue) ( Black-Blue)
#8  $17.00

8 foot long Braided paracord split reins.  Tan and Forest Green.  With Trigger snaps. 
#7  $40.00
Latigo headstall with green rhinestones and silver bling.  Berry conchos and Jeremiah Watt buckles.  5" ring snaffle.  Latigo slobber straps.  20 feet green and white mecate reins.  #6  $115.00
Beta Britchen/Breeching  #5 $105.00
Rope Halter & Lead Rope With Leather Bronc nose band.  black with bucking horse concho. Green with barrel racer concho.  Purple with berry conchos.  black with cow hair.  Green with black nose band and green rhinestones.   #4 $45.00
Tapaderos #3 $175.00

Latigo Headstall with silver hardware.  5" ring snaffle bit.  Latigo slobber straps.  20 feet long cotton mecate reins. #2 $75.00

Beta Headstall & Loop Reins Pastel blue, Royal blue, Lime green, White.
#1 $70.00
Stuff I have made....